Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Didn't I Tell You"

Motivations from the Heart of Paula Williams-Gaillard

I just have to share this with all of you today! My cousin, Minister LaKisha, texts me and others a Scripture, our daily Word every morning. I don't know of too many days when she sent a Scripture and it didn't minister to my need for that day! This morning Kisha sent Isaiah 46:11 which says, "I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it."

Well..........you know how when your Momma or someone had to tell you something twice, just to convince you (or to shut you up) that what he/she said was gon' happen....for example....when my son asks me for something....and I know I've already told that little child of mine what I was going to do but because he doubts what I said or he thinks I've forgotten, or he just thinks I won't do it when he thinks I should, I have to tell him A-GAIN what I told him just minutes or hours before! Please bear with me because right now I'm sssooooo overwhelmed with tears.....but that's how I felt when I got the same text just 1hr and 3minutes after Minister Kisha sent the first one! Minister Kisha that was no coincidence or mistake!

I felt and heard God personally speaking to me telling me....

Paula didn't I tell you what I am going to do in your life....Paula didn't I tell you your dreams will not die....Paula didn't I tell you I'm making rivers in your desert and making your crooked paths straight.....Paula didn't I tell you if you went to Atlanta (your brook), I was going to send the ravens to feed you......Paula didn't I tell you if you trust in ME and lean not to your own understanding...I will direct your path.....Paula didn't I tell you if you meditated on my Word day and night, I will make you prosperous and you will have good success.....DIDN'T I TELL YOU PAULA...DIDN'T I TELL YOU?!!!!!!

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ........God is not just speaking to me but HE wanted me to share with all of you.....DIDN'T I TELL YOU WHAT I SAID I WAS GOING TO DO IN YOUR LIFE?!!!!!!!!!

Numbers 23:19 (NIV) "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?"

My heart is overwhelmed with Joy and Adoration for God our Father! I Thank HIM for loving US so much that HE keeps us on HIS mind and that HIS plans are for us to prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper! I Thank HIM for sending HIS Son Jesus who died for me! I Thank HIM for Blessing me over and over again...OH HE IS AN AWESOME AND MIGHTY GOD...I LOVE HIM...I LOVE HIM..I LOVE HIM!!!

Thank You Minister Kisha for delivering God's daily Word!

I Love you all....remember...you are already Blessed so be Encouraged,
© Copyright 4/28/09
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Motivations from the Heart of Paula Williams-Gaillard


Trees are falling here, there and everywhere in Georgia! Since a recent rash of storms and heavy rainfall, Georgians are getting hit really hard! Large, humongous trees are uprooting and causing havoc and headaches for thousands.

Today my husband and I came home to find we too were victims of TREEMADAMESSITIS (pronounced tree-made-a-mess-itis), okay I never said I was a comedian . Anyhow, a huge tree fell in our backyard. Thankfully the tree fell backwards or else it would have caused major damage to the "man-cave" and laundry room.

After we cleaned up most of the debris in the yard, my husband came in to watch the news. It was then when I heard an anchorman respond to a field reporter's interview with victims of TREE...you know what , his response was "THEY SHOULD COUNT THEIR BLESSINGS"! I shouted "now that's what I'm talkin' about"! While the victims were talking about trivial matters, in a subtle yet powerful way, the anchorman pointed out to some and reminded others of the AWESOMENESS OF GOD!

As I continued to wash dishes, I started humming an old song we sang back in the day.....

"Count your Blessings. name them one by
one, count your Blessings see what God has
done, count your Blessings name them one
by one....OH...count your many Blessings see
what God has done!"

HALLELUJAH! OH when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all HE'S done for me, my soul cries out HALLELUJAH, I Thank God for saving me!!!! (Let me stop before I start with all the oldies but goodies)! LOL

Pastor Joel Osteen often says instead of looking at the things that are going wrong in your life, focus on what's right, even if it's just one thing! Colossians 3:2 says, "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."

Today it is my Prayer for you to COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!!! Look, things may not be going the way YOU think they should, but count it all JOY! Look where you were 26 years ago.....16 years ago...6 years ago.....6 months ago...awe stop playin'....6 days ago...if HE brought you through then, HE'LL DO IT AGAIN! God brought you through when you didn't know how you were going to make it....when you didn't know how the bills were going to get paid....when you wondered how one body could take so much pain....when you thought you were gon' lose your mind....when you said "if it ain't 2 things it's 3" (thanks Daddy)....when you thought no one would ever love you...but after 31 years HE sent you your BOAZ (this one is for me).....when sin.....sickness and dis-ease...oppression and depression had you bound.......HIS LOVE....HIS GRACE....HIS MERCY LIFTED YOU...OH WHEN YOU THINK OF HIS GOODNESS AND ALL HE'S DONE FOR YOU.....YOU BETTER SHOUT HALLELUJAH AND THANK GOD FOR HIS SON JESUS....WHO DIED & AROSE TO SET YOU FREE!


You are already Blessed so be Encouraged,

Love ya,
© Copyright 4/13/09
All Rights Reserved

Friday, April 10, 2009

"Get The Junk Out Your Drawer"

Motivations from the Heart of Paula Williams-Gaillard

"And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles." Mark 2:2

Time was of the essence for me today, however, I just couldn't leave out this house to meet a couple of visiting New Lifers (from my previous church) for brunch until I reorganized, or should I say, cleaned off the dresser in our bedroom.

Now my husband and I are pretty organized, however we allowed junk mail and papers to accumulate, not to mention my jewerly which were scattered all over the dresser.

Well, after I sifted through the clutter of junk mail, jewerly and other papers, I threw out some things but the majority I kept. The only difference was I moved the junk from one place to another......thus creating yet another junk drawer!

After I finished, I had a few minutes to spare so I peeked on Facebook to see what was going on. I noticed a note from one of my girlfriends to someone else which said "Never live in the past just learn from it". WOW! That tied right into what I heard in my spirit after I cleaned off the dresser....why do we hang on to things (junk) we know we need to get rid of?

What junk are you allowing to accumulate in your heart? What junk or things have you chosen to keep instead of getting rid of? Many of us have stored "things" in our drawer......meaning our hearts we KNOW we really need to get rid of! "Things" can cause us to miss out on our Blessings! "Things" like past hurts, past pains, past failures, past relationships, habits.....these "things" not only block our Blessings but they prevent us from moving forward!

Let me encourage you today to get rid of stinkin' thinkin'! Let go of the past! Stop feeling sorry for yourself because of something you didn't do or did; or something someone did or didn't do 10-20 years ago! Get rid of the "I woulda, I coulda, I shoulda", "ho-hum", why me, "fuzzy wuzzy was a bear" syndrome!

Paul says in Philippians 3:13-14 "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

The trunk isn't the only place some store junk.....get rid of the junk in your heart......'cause God can't Bless in no mess!

Prayer for you today...create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.....in Jesus Name I Pray ....Amen!

You are already Blessed so be Encouraged,

Love ya,
© Copyright 4/10/09
All Rights Reserved