Motivations from the Heart of Paula Williams-Gaillard
"In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace" Ephesians 1:7
If you see tons of mistake in this motivation, charge it to the head and not the heart....it's 4:30 in the A.M. and I am still trying to get the sleep out of my eyes...T.M.I. I know!
Well, I was awakened by a dream and although I tried to convince myself I could write about it later, Holy Spirit said otherwise!
I'll try to make this brief but my dream was centered in the neighborhood where I grew up. In one of the houses on the block, some men tried to take over the house. I wasn't about to let that happen so me and these men got into a "verbal" altercation. One thing led to another, and I had to let them know that I wasn't afraid and if I had something to fight them with, I'd show them a thing or two.
Well, I guess the men didn't think I would do what I said because they threw me, of all things an umbrella. Well, I had to show them that I meant business so I went to swinging! I did as Matthew 11:12 says....."and the violent take it by force"! When it was all said and done, the men backed down and even wrote a letter of apology which they gave my big brother and even agreed to clean up the mess I had made! My big brother wasn't too pleased with me though, because all the while, while I was fussing and causing a ruckus, my big brother kept trying to tell me that I didn't need to do what I was doing because....he had things under control!
Now, I'm sure you're thinking....Paula must have eaten after midnight again.......but no! I couldn't get back to sleep because little by little, Holy Spirit pointed out some things about the dream:
1. The men obviously were the enemy.
2. My old neighborhood was the past.
3. The umbrella represents a covering.
4. My big brother.....he's Jesus!
5. The letter.....it's not an actual letter letter...it's the letter "t"....symbolic of THE CROSS!
Satan is devious in that he will try to use your past or whatever he can to get you to a breaking point. He often reminds you of what you used to do or how you used to be just to make you feel unworthy or inadequate. He tries to get you to feel that you don't belong or have any right to be called a Child of God yet alone any rights to the Promises and Covenant of God.
I was reminded after the dream, that when Jesus died on the cross, His death and His Love covers a multitude of sin (I Peter 4:8)! I was also reminded of Psalms 91:1 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
A song we sang back in the day during Communion says:
"I know it was the Blood, I know it was the Blood, I know it was the Blood for me....one day when I was lost...Jesus died upon the Cross...I know it was the Blood for me"!
You're covered People of God....You're covered! Satan already knows he's a defeated foe! When Christ died at the Cross, that was it for him! Oftentimes we fight...fuss and raise a muck when all we have to do is just plead the Blood of Jesus! I want to encourage you today.....let Jesus' Blood do the work for you!
You are already Blessed....so be Encouraged,
Love ya,
© Copyright 10/14/09
All Rights Reserved
If you see tons of mistake in this motivation, charge it to the head and not the heart....it's 4:30 in the A.M. and I am still trying to get the sleep out of my eyes...T.M.I. I know!
Well, I was awakened by a dream and although I tried to convince myself I could write about it later, Holy Spirit said otherwise!
I'll try to make this brief but my dream was centered in the neighborhood where I grew up. In one of the houses on the block, some men tried to take over the house. I wasn't about to let that happen so me and these men got into a "verbal" altercation. One thing led to another, and I had to let them know that I wasn't afraid and if I had something to fight them with, I'd show them a thing or two.
Well, I guess the men didn't think I would do what I said because they threw me, of all things an umbrella. Well, I had to show them that I meant business so I went to swinging! I did as Matthew 11:12 says....."and the violent take it by force"! When it was all said and done, the men backed down and even wrote a letter of apology which they gave my big brother and even agreed to clean up the mess I had made! My big brother wasn't too pleased with me though, because all the while, while I was fussing and causing a ruckus, my big brother kept trying to tell me that I didn't need to do what I was doing because....he had things under control!
Now, I'm sure you're thinking....Paula must have eaten after midnight again.......but no! I couldn't get back to sleep because little by little, Holy Spirit pointed out some things about the dream:
1. The men obviously were the enemy.
2. My old neighborhood was the past.
3. The umbrella represents a covering.
4. My big brother.....he's Jesus!
5. The letter.....it's not an actual letter letter...it's the letter "t"....symbolic of THE CROSS!
Satan is devious in that he will try to use your past or whatever he can to get you to a breaking point. He often reminds you of what you used to do or how you used to be just to make you feel unworthy or inadequate. He tries to get you to feel that you don't belong or have any right to be called a Child of God yet alone any rights to the Promises and Covenant of God.
I was reminded after the dream, that when Jesus died on the cross, His death and His Love covers a multitude of sin (I Peter 4:8)! I was also reminded of Psalms 91:1 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
A song we sang back in the day during Communion says:
"I know it was the Blood, I know it was the Blood, I know it was the Blood for me....one day when I was lost...Jesus died upon the Cross...I know it was the Blood for me"!
You're covered People of God....You're covered! Satan already knows he's a defeated foe! When Christ died at the Cross, that was it for him! Oftentimes we fight...fuss and raise a muck when all we have to do is just plead the Blood of Jesus! I want to encourage you today.....let Jesus' Blood do the work for you!
You are already Blessed....so be Encouraged,
Love ya,
© Copyright 10/14/09
All Rights Reserved
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