Motivations from the Heart of Paula Williams-Gaillard
"This Week....Don't Allow Satan To Punk You"
2 Corinthians 2:11: "Lest satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices."
Now I know my title sounds a little strange....but the other day I heard Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show "punk" someone on the radio. (For those of you who don't know...."punk" is just an urban word used when someone has fallen prey to a prank call).
Well.....Nephew Tommy picked the right one that day! This guy was so gullible....Nephew Tommy had him right where he wanted him! Nephew Tommy struck a nerve because I mean....that man became so unglued....he lost every ounce of couth he had....he started using more than 4 letters words...and I'm sure if he could have reached through the phone....Nephew Tommy would probably now be known as “TOOTHLESS TOMMY"!
I mentioned to another Warrior last week that satan's oldest and first trick began in the Garden of Eden with Eve. Satan wanted Eve to believe that God was holding something back from her and Adam! Eve got riled up and even got dumb Adam (ooooppss did I say that)...she got Adam caught up in the mess too! It was only afterwards.....after they fell for the "ole okie dokie" that we see.......Eve got punked!
Satan wants us to think....God is holding back on us! He'll place suggestions in our thoughts that our dreams....aspirations or the promises made to us by God is not going to happen. He'll taunt....tease and try to get us to that breaking point...and if we are not careful and hip to his devices...we could fall prey and also lose our cool....Faith....and start using bad words....Confessions.....that are contrary to what we know.....The Word of God!
I Pray this week.....you don't allow satan to mess with your head or get into your pysche...which is your thought life! Regardless to what suggestions he makes.....regardless to what it looks like....regardless to how you feel....regardless to how long it has taken...regardless to who don' walked and left you...regardless...don't fall for satan's ole okie dokie....don't allow satan to punk you!
Have a FABULOUS week!
You are already Blessed so be Encouraged....
Love ya,Paula
© Copyright 9/20/2009
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Email: Mspauladpoet@yahoo.com
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