Motivations from the Heart of
Paula Williams-Gaillard
"And when the woman saw that the tree was good (suitable, pleasant) for food and that it was delightful to look at, and a tree to be desired in order to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she gave some also to her husband, and he ate. Then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves apron like girdles." Genesis 3:6-7
Before I get started....I chose the pic from photobucket.com because my husband's name is James!
Now I'm sure everyone's heard or even at one time or another used the well known saying "all that glitters ain't gold".....well this morning Holy Spirit placed that in my Spirit! I thought about Adam and Eve. God specifically told Adam DO NOT eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17)....but did he listen....noooooo.....he allowed "that woman".....Eve to bait him...…he fell for it and ate the fruit!
Side note: My Daddy and I were discussing Genesis 3:3 in which Eve told the serpent "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."......what's that about? Genesis 3:1...the serpent himself said "Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden".......where in the world did Eve get not to touch? I saw nowhere in Chapter 2 or 3 where God himself said not to touch…..did Eve make that one up? Can the Bible Scholars and Ministers of The Word help me out with this one???!!!! (Email me)
Okay back to the matter at hand.....
People of God.......some things or some people might look good....but OH MY.....it or they may not be good for you!!!!!! The enemy will use whatever or whomever he can to entice.....tempt or trap you into going against God's Will!!!! When unmasked.......you will see it or them for what or who they really are…..just plain rotten to the core! The enemy is conniving....he's a schemer and as sad and bad as this may sound....there’s a possibility he will "deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24)……. DON'T ALLOW THE ENEMY TO DECIEVE YOU WITH HIS CRAFTY….CUNNING WAYS.........WATCH OUT THAT HE DOESN'T USE MATERIAL THINGS….THE HOUSE…THE FANCY CAR…..THE “PHAT” BANK ACCOUNT……TO TRAP YOU.....BE CAREFUL THAT YOU AREN’T LYING…..CHEATING OR STEALING TO OBTAIN THOSE THINGS…..WATCH OUT FOR THAT MAN OR WOMAN YOU THINK IS SO FINE......HE/SHE CAN MAKE YOU LOOSE YOUR MIND....IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL…….YOU JUST MIGHT........WATCH OUT FOR THAT JOB YOU WANT SO BAD THAT YOU ARE WILLING TO GET IT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY....BE CAREFUL YOU AREN’T COMPROMISING YOUR INTEGRITY OR STEPPING OUT OF LINE FOR WHAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR YOU.…….WATCH OUT BECAUSE THE DEVIL....YOUR ADVERSARY.....HE WALKS TO AND FRO…..HE SETS TRAPS AND SNARES……IT’S HIS JOB TO STEAL…KILL AND DESTROY…..HE’S AFTER YOU……HE MASKES SIN….MAKES IT LOOK GOOD.......IT.....HE....SHE MAY LOOK APPEALING BUT IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL……IF YOU BITE THE BAIT….IF YOU FALL FOR IT……YOU'RE DONE......HE’S GOT YOU...… HOOK….LINE AND SINKER!!!!!!!
Before I get started....I chose the pic from photobucket.com because my husband's name is James!
Now I'm sure everyone's heard or even at one time or another used the well known saying "all that glitters ain't gold".....well this morning Holy Spirit placed that in my Spirit! I thought about Adam and Eve. God specifically told Adam DO NOT eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17)....but did he listen....noooooo.....he allowed "that woman".....Eve to bait him...…he fell for it and ate the fruit!
Side note: My Daddy and I were discussing Genesis 3:3 in which Eve told the serpent "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."......what's that about? Genesis 3:1...the serpent himself said "Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden".......where in the world did Eve get not to touch? I saw nowhere in Chapter 2 or 3 where God himself said not to touch…..did Eve make that one up? Can the Bible Scholars and Ministers of The Word help me out with this one???!!!! (Email me)
Okay back to the matter at hand.....
People of God.......some things or some people might look good....but OH MY.....it or they may not be good for you!!!!!! The enemy will use whatever or whomever he can to entice.....tempt or trap you into going against God's Will!!!! When unmasked.......you will see it or them for what or who they really are…..just plain rotten to the core! The enemy is conniving....he's a schemer and as sad and bad as this may sound....there’s a possibility he will "deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24)……. DON'T ALLOW THE ENEMY TO DECIEVE YOU WITH HIS CRAFTY….CUNNING WAYS.........WATCH OUT THAT HE DOESN'T USE MATERIAL THINGS….THE HOUSE…THE FANCY CAR…..THE “PHAT” BANK ACCOUNT……TO TRAP YOU.....BE CAREFUL THAT YOU AREN’T LYING…..CHEATING OR STEALING TO OBTAIN THOSE THINGS…..WATCH OUT FOR THAT MAN OR WOMAN YOU THINK IS SO FINE......HE/SHE CAN MAKE YOU LOOSE YOUR MIND....IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL…….YOU JUST MIGHT........WATCH OUT FOR THAT JOB YOU WANT SO BAD THAT YOU ARE WILLING TO GET IT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY....BE CAREFUL YOU AREN’T COMPROMISING YOUR INTEGRITY OR STEPPING OUT OF LINE FOR WHAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR YOU.…….WATCH OUT BECAUSE THE DEVIL....YOUR ADVERSARY.....HE WALKS TO AND FRO…..HE SETS TRAPS AND SNARES……IT’S HIS JOB TO STEAL…KILL AND DESTROY…..HE’S AFTER YOU……HE MASKES SIN….MAKES IT LOOK GOOD.......IT.....HE....SHE MAY LOOK APPEALING BUT IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL……IF YOU BITE THE BAIT….IF YOU FALL FOR IT……YOU'RE DONE......HE’S GOT YOU...… HOOK….LINE AND SINKER!!!!!!!
You are already Blessed so be Encouraged....
Love ya,
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