Paula Williams-Gaillard
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This morning when I shared my dream with my husband....I couldn't...and I'm gon' say it like the older folks used to say...."I couldn't for the life of me"....figure out what the dream least not until a few minutes ago when God revealed His Word to me!
I had a dream that of my husband's best friend, Ricky S. and some other people were taking a test. It was kinda weird because each of us had to take the test while sitting in our own vehicles (strange huh). I can't even recall what subject the test covered or even one question from the test. some point during the testing period, I decided with my brilliant self that I wanted to move my truck (wish I could say it was the Breakwater Blue Lexus RX 350 I desire......anyways....I decided I wanted to move to another parking area away from the other people. Now to make a long dream short.....after I finished the test, I went inside to turn my test in to be graded....but guess what the teacher had already gone home.....I was too late....(sounds familiar...remember the 5 foolish?)! Y'all.....I had the nerve to not only be angry with myself for not finishing on time....but angry with Mr. Ricky who left me before I could finish!
Just moments ago, I heard part of this Scripture plainly......"Ye did run well; who did hinder you ....." Galatians 5:7
When I looked in a dictionary for the meaning of the word hinder it said:
When I looked in a dictionary for the meaning of the word hinder it said:
1. To be or get in the way of.
2. To obstruct or delay the progress of.
To interfere with action or progress.
Then when I looked in the Thesaurus for related words, synonyms and antonyms....I found words like: impede.....block.....set back.....interfere.....prevent.....stop....hold up.....and even frustrate!
Who's fault was it that I didn't finish on time? Why did I become frustrated and angry? I'm really Praying for Revelation from this point on....but as Children of God......I think...and this is me talking.....but sometimes we get so caught up in what we want to do.....what we think we should do.......we go about trying to make things happen...when all the while....God just wants us to stand still......don't be a busy Martha.......go through our test with wisdom and knowledge that He is with us and will take us through......okay I'm going from 0 to 1,000 and will shift gears here......NOBODY'S HOLDING YOU BACK......BUT YOU!!!!!! WOW!
Stop blaming things on the devil!!!!! It's not Momma and dem.......It's not Pookie or Fe's not even "The Man" who is holding you back.....we sometimes hold ourselves back from receiving Blessings God is trying to get to us as a result of the test we are going through now!!!! the dream....if I had just kept my little big self still....I would have had enough time to finish the test.......but NO....I had to go driving on the other they say...."the grass is not always greener on the other side".....things might look good....but it's not! GOING SOMEWHERE YOU KNOW GOD DID NOT DIRECT YOU TO GO....IS A DISTRACTION AND A WASTE OF TIME......THE TEST IS A TEST FOR A REASON....WHAT YOU ARE FACING TODAY IS NOTHING NEW.......IT MAY APPEAR THAT YOU ARE ALONE......YOU'RE NOT.....DON'T GET ANGRY OR FRUSTRATED BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE HAS COMPLETED THEIR TEST AND REAPING BECAUSE THEY FAINT NOT......THEY DIDN'T GET OFF TRACK...YOU DID......YES GOD IS A GOD OF SECOND....THIRD....MANY CHANCES......HE'S LOVING AND FAITHFUL LIKE THAT......BUT HOW LONG DOES HE HAVE TO WAIT FOR YOU......HE WANTS TO BLESS YOU NOW....HE TAKES PLEASURE IN THE PROSPERITY OF HIS SERVANTS....STOP LALLYGAGGING......STAY ON COURSE.......STAY FOCUSED......IT'S NOT THAT YOU DON'T HAVE THE WISDOM NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE TEST......YOU JUST NEED TO GET YOU OUT OF THE WAY......IT'S NOBODY HINDERING YOU...........BUT YOU!!!!!!
I Corinthians 10:13 from The Bible in Basic English says: "You have been put to no test but such as is common to man: and God is true, who will not let any test come on you which you are not able to undergo; but HE will make with the test a way out of it, so that you may be able to go through it."
WHEW....this was a long one!!!!
Warriors....I ask that each of you keep Mr. Ted Williams (the man with the "golden voice") in heart goes out to him! He is can be a classic example that no one can hinder his progress and God-given success........but him!
You are already Blessed so be Encouraged.....
Love ya,
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