Motivations from the Heart of Paula Williams-Gaillard
"And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, What have I done to you that you should strike me these three times?" Numbers 22:28
I know the people in the glass building were looking at me this morning wondering what in the world is wrong with that woman! As I was walking into work I was laughing and smiling because a license plate spoke to me this morning!!!
Now, I'm sure you're wondering too...what's wrong with Paula...she don' bumped her head or somethin'...NO..the license plate DID speak..or should I say....ministered to me!
Okay let me back up a minute.....almost every morning after I drop off "Kid" (that's what PamS calls him) and hubby...I turn the radio off so I could "have a little talk with Jesus". I thanked Him in advance for what He has done and is about to do in my life and just after I finished...as I pulled into my parking spot I noticed an SUV parked across from me with a license plate on the front that said: "Shhhh...God Got This"
DUH...I didn't have to be Balaam to understand...God used that license plate as a ministering tool! WOW!
I rec'd an email from one of my Spiritual Mentors today and in it Pastor Charles Spurgeon says: "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand." Watch not the clouds, consult not the wind-in season and out of season witness for the Saviour, and if it shall come to pass that for Christ's sake and the gospel's you shall endure suffering in any shape, shrink not, but rejoice in the honour thus conferred upon you, that you are counted worthy to suffer with your Lord; and joy also in this-that your sufferings, your losses, and persecutions shall make you a platform, from which the more vigorously and with greater power you shall witness for Christ Jesus."
Look....in the past....at times my life was turned upside down..I had heartache after heartache...disappointment after disappointment...lack (plenty of it)....low self esteem....no purpose......at times I felt like I had no hope....BUT.....(I like that word...BUT)....NOW IT'S MY TIME...MY SEASON....IN SPITE OF....OTHERS WHO KNEW MY PAIN...KNOW MY STORY...THEY CAN LOOK AND SEE WHERE GOD HAS BROUGHT ME FROM...NOW MY LIFE IS A LIVING TESTIMONY FOR CHRIST'S GLORY AND TO HIS HONOR!
Sooooo....like the license plate said.....I'm gon' Shhhh until I see the manifestations of His Promises....I'm gon' Shhhh until HE who has begun a good work in me complete it.....I'm Shhhh...."Just Sit Still"....wait on The Lord.....continue to stand on His Word....and REST IN HIM....I'm not going to try to make things happens or wish for things to happen...I'M REJOICING AND THANKING GOD BECAUSE HE GOT THIS!!!!!
Peace.....I'm out!!!!
You are already Blessed so be Encouraged...and OH....... remember.... "Shhhh...God Got This"
Love ya,
© Copyright 11/25/09
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