Now....while in and out of my nap the other day...I saw bits and pieces of the movie "28 Days".
There was one scene...where Sandra Bullock and others, who were in rehab, were all sitting around in group session. Before they began their group therapy...they recited the Prayer of Serenity and ended with what I thought I heard......"It works if you work it...it's worth the work". I thought.....that sounds like they are talking about FAITH!
See....Faith is an action! We can't say we have Faith and just sit around and wait for something to happen without putting Faith to work. James 2:26b says it best "......so Faith without works is dead also". Faith works...but we've got to work it! WOW!
Let me use an illustration I often hear...let's say someone who's looking for a job....speaks in Faith the job will come to pass....BUT...he/she haven't even attempted to fill out one application or step foot out their door to seek that job....does he/she think a job is just going to come and ring his/her bell and say "here I am"....DUH....NO WAY JOSE...that person has to get off their tush....fill out some applications......maybe pound the pavement and in a case like mine....he/she might have to volunteer/sow their Seed (time) believing by Faith that the job they are seeking will manifest!
I can go on and on with illustrations, but I want you to read for yourselves Hebrews Chapter 11...how...by putting their Faith into action...how Men and Women of God.....ooopppsss....I stand corrected .....Hebrews 11:31 says: "By Faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient."....you'll see how many put their Faith into action and the results thereof! I
So tell me "Oh ye of little faith" and no action.......why are your worried about what you are going to wear...eat or drink (Matthew 6:30)...doubting Jesus' Awesome Powers and what He can do (Matthew 14:31)...and reasoning amongst yourselves how and if He will provide (Matthew 16:8)...just put your Faith into action and thank Him in advance for being Jehovah Jireh & El Shaddai...Your God who provides and is more than enough! "Oh ye of little faith" and no action....why are allowing the storms and challenges you are facing today overwhelm you and keep you in fear...... just put your Faith into action and and rebuke the storms....commanding "Peace be still" (Matthew 8:26)! "Oh ye of little faith" and no action.....Trust God at His Word....exercise your Faith according to the Word of God (Romans 10:17).....whether you have Faith "as small as a mustard seed" (Luke 17:6) or "great Faith" (Matthew 8:10)...."God hath dealt to every man the measure of Faith" (Romans 12:3)...put your Faith into action.....don't just talk about it...but be about it....because when it's all said and done........in the end......
FAITH....."It Works If You Work It......It's Worth The Work"!!!
You are already Blessed so be Encouraged....
Love ya,
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